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How Positions Work

Learn about creating and editing positions to work with shifts

Updated over a week ago

What is a position?

A position is a role or assignment that you schedule using shifts.

Create a new position

There are two ways to create a new position: from within a shift schedule/event with shifts or the Positions list in Settings.

New Position in Schedules

The most common way is when you are creating a shift schedule or event schedule and you either click 'manage positions' or add positions as part of the setup process.

Click 'Manage Positions' to build out the positions you wish to schedule.

It will open a popup that lets you edit positions you have already added or you can click the 'Add Position' button top right.

To add a new position from the schedule view, start to type in the Position Name field.

If the position already exists you will find it appear in the dropdown. That means it was already added to the Position Template List found in Settings. If it doesn't exist, you can easily create a new position and have it added to the templates.

Start typing the name of the position and you will see underneath Create new "PositionName". Make sure you select the highlighted text or press enter to accept this new position.

Continue to update the information like location, description, and any skills that are related to this position. We will save everything except for the location, as this is schedule specific, to the Positions LIst in Settings and it will be available to use again in the future.

If start typing and you see the position you wish to use, go ahead and select that from the list. If available, it will pre-fill the description and skills associated with this position but you can make edits. These edits will only reflect in the current schedule, they will not be updated to the main Positions Templates List.

New Position in Settings

To view a full list of positions, go to Settings / Data and click on Positions across the top. You can click on a position on the left side to edit or use the 'Add New' button top right to create a new Position.

All positions in this list are now templates that you can search and insert when building out your shift schedules. This is the master list. If you edit any details on the position from Settings it will update the Position Name everywhere - but we do not update the description or skills for positions that are already added to schedules. The reason for this is that you may have customized the description so it suits a particular event or schedule purpose, so we do not want that to change. You'd have to open the schedule and click 'manage positions' if you wish to edit there too.

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