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Creating an event with shifts

How to publish an event with various roles and locations.

Updated over 4 months ago

This feature is available on the Pro Plan.

Why use an event with shifts?

Events with shifts are great for both single-day and multi-day opportunities. They allow you to offer positions for signup in the form of shifts. They're perfect for creating and promoting a specific opportunity, as you can attach a form and set up a dedicated landing page with a detailed description.

Event duration with shifts.

Events with shifts have a maximum length of 6 weeks, with all shifts falling within this timeframe. While most events are one day or a few days long, Timecounts offers flexibility for events like festivals or seasonal opportunities. You can break it into separate events or use a shift schedule for ongoing opportunities if you need a longer event.

Adding a new event with shifts.

Go to the Events tab in the main navigation and click the New Event button at the top right corner. Then, select Event with Shifts.

Start by naming your event (you can edit it later) and selecting the start and end dates. These dates will define the timeframe within which you’ll add your shifts. Then, choose whether your event will be at a Single Location or across Multiple Locations. If you're unsure, selecting Multiple Locations is best to keep your options open.

  • Single Location means all positions will be linked to the same location, making setting up and managing your schedule quicker.

  • Multiple Locations requires you to enter a main location, which will appear on the landing page to promote the event. This main location won't affect the specific shift locations, which you can choose individually when setting up positions within the event.

Next, add the positions for which you’ll be creating shifts. You can add more later by selecting the Manage Positions button in the Shifts edit view. Any new positions you add will update your template list automatically. If you’re using a template position, it's a good idea to check that the description fits your event or edit it using the pencil icon in Manage Positions.

Adding shifts to an event.

After creating your event, you’ll be taken to the Shifts page to add your shifts.

To add a new shift, you can go to the position you want to add it for and click the plus sign in a circle next to the position name on the right side.

Clicking the plus sign will add a new row where you can input the shift date, time, and number of spots. You can enable the waitlist feature by checking the box. Then, click Save.

Once saved, the shift will be locked in place. You can continue adding more shifts in the same way.

Editing or deleting a shift within an event.

To edit or delete a shift, click on it to open the shift card. From there, click the Edit Shift button to make any changes. Please note that events do not have a bulk clear option for shifts like Schedules do.

Customizing your event’s landing page.

Before publishing, take a moment to make your event stand out. Go to Edit Event across the top to upload a photo, add a description, and share what volunteers can expect. If you don’t have a photo, find one for free on A polished landing page can make a real difference in attracting volunteers.

Adding a form to your event.

If you'd like volunteers to answer questions when signing up, you can attach a form to your event. This is optional, as Timecounts automatically collects their name and email. To add a form, go to the Details tab, scroll to the Signup Form section, and select the form from the dropdown (only published forms will appear).

You can also add an optional Success Screen Message, which will appear after someone submits their signup. Keep it short—for example, letting them know when they can expect to hear back or just a simple thank you for volunteering.

Checking your event settings.

While on the Details page, review key settings such as event visibility, shift approval preferences (automatic or manual), and custom confirmation and reminder messages for your emails.

Publishing your event with shifts.

Once everything looks good, click the Publish button in the top right corner. If you want to review it before making it public, you can temporarily publish it and switch it back to unpublished with the same button. Congrats on getting your event set up and ready to go!

Sharing your event.

Timecounts doesn’t automatically notify volunteers when your event is published, so you’ll need to share it. Once your event is published, click the Share button in the top right corner, and a popup will provide the event URL. You can then send this URL through social media, insert the link into a newsletter, or send it in an email. Your event will also appear in the Events section of your hub's Find Opportunities, where volunteers can discover it.

Inviting volunteers to your event with shifts.

If you want to ensure specific volunteers see your event, you can use the invite button. However, we suggest using invites sparingly to avoid bombarding volunteers with notifications for every event. To send an invite to volunteers in your directory, go to the Signups tab across the top, and you'll see an icon for Invite.

This will open a message modal where you can add recipients by searching your Directory or creating a Segment to send to a designated list. If you would like to send a custom invite, please first attach the template to the Invite section of the Details page.

Now, sit back and watch the signups come in! You can easily track volunteer signups and make any needed updates. With everything in place, you're ready to focus on the event.

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